Yoga: Seven Paths of Salvation in Hinduism - Revelation Movement

Yoga: Seven Paths of Salvation in Hinduism
content_YogaFor most of history most people have not needed to stretch their hands, legs, and backs or exercise their hearts. Normal chores of life kept their muscles toned. Other than special groups such as athletes and soldiers, those monks needed to exercise who sat and meditated but did not “work.”
Now technology has redefined “normal work.” An increasing number of us just sit to work. To maintain normal health, it has become necessary for us to cultivate the discipline of setting aside time for intentional exercise. A class offers discipline, competent instruction, and stimulating group dynamics. If it is Yoga class, then it also evokes the mystique of learning from ancient, exotic sages who spent years perfecting techniques to tone some of their muscles.
What made these sages think that the exercises that were good for their bodies could also lead them to mystical enlightenment? Could secular practitioners who only want physical fitness get pulled into philosophies that promise peace, meaning, purpose, and oneness with the divine Self?
My video-lecture Yoga: Seven Paths of Salvation has now been uploaded An introductory, 6-minute version is

  • We would love to have your feedback on this video. If you have comments or questions, please comment under the video on the website. Your insights and questions will help me develop the content into a book and possibly a documentary on Yoga.
  • Spanish and Indian publishers have already expressed interest in a book on Yoga. If this is a book that I should write then please pray that an American publisher will also come on board.
  • Please also let us know if it is worth spending money and effort on these videos?
  • Finally, may I request your prayers for:
  • Steve Law and Mahoney Media who are giving professional finish to the 11-part video lecture series Must The Sun Set On The West? We need the Lord to (a) open a way to broadcast this series on television, and (b) to find a distributor.
  • Carolyn Rafferty has edited the video lectures on Yoga and Buddhism: Escape Into Emptiness. She is ready to edit other video-lectures in this series on Astrology, Vegetarianism, Hinduism, Reincarnation etc. Please pray for finances and … if you know people who would find them useful . . . please introduce them to these videos.
  • Our landlord is selling the house where we live. Therefore, we have to move house and office in the next few weeks. Please pray that the Lord will guide us to the right place.
  • Please also ask the Lord to bring along a Research-cum-Administrative Assistant for me.

Thank you for your prayers and tax-deductible donations that keep us going. We would love to have you as our regular, monthly donor. You can sign up as a regular donor online.
Do keep your heart healthy.
Vishal and Ruth Mangalwadi

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