Revelation Movement

Can the Bible Reform America?

The American eagle flew higher and faster than all other civilizations because it flew on two wings: “Humble Faith” in the Bible and the Enlightenment’s “Commonsense.” (Michael Novak, On Two Wings: Humble Faith and Commonsense at America’s Founding.)

Both these wings have now been clipped.

Consequently, the “Eagle” is in a free fall. America’s crash will have terrible consequences for the whole world.

Can America be reformed?

Yes. The following lecture explains how:

Praise God for a very busy volunteer who is sacrificing his time to upload at least one video per week on our YouTube channel – Vishal Mangalwadi.

Others are helping to collect and edit hundreds of my lectures, scattered around the world. By watching and promoting the channel, you can help turn it into a course on a new reformation.

Currently, I am on a 100-day tour: 7 Continents, 10-12 nations, and 40+ cities. (The “seven” includes two trips each to Europe and North America.)

I plan to send reports from Switzerland, India, Uganda, and Germany, especially on several consultations we’ve had following the Phoenix Consultation in June.

Ruth, who traveled to Australia in October, plans to join me in Germany on Sunday, Nov 10. From Nov. 11-15, we will be studying the book of Revelation with German theologians, pastors and Christian leaders. Please pray that Europe’s Evangelical Christianity may find healing for its Eschatological Paralysis.

On November 16-17 we hope to launch European Revelation Movement in Kontal, near Stuttgart. It will be led by Andreas Wieland. Besides supporting my writings, European researchers will start working on two projects: The Spiritual History of Switzerland and The Spiritual History of Germany. The Germans are already using Facebook and Websites effectively. A separate YouTube channel will also be launched as I have over 100 lectures in English-German.

Since Universities are destroying nations, from Feb 18-22 about 40 of us will meet in South Korea to launch a Cyber University. Initially it will offer Bachelor and Masters degrees in Applied Theology and Leadership. The long term goal is to return non-sacred (secular) education to local Church-based system of discipling nations through education.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. Your donations are needed to support our growing creative, editorial, promotional and administrative teams.

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