Revelation Movement

World News

BIBLICAL HOPE & The West’s Defeated, Pessimistic Evangelicalism

“Attempt Great Things For God; Expect Great Things from God” was William Carey’s optimistic motto. It inspired the mission that made Carey the Father of Modern India. Today (August 17), in Ithaca, NY, we are celebrating Carey’s birthday, along with our grandnephew Anmay’s wedding to Olivia. Carey’s mission was an “aftershock” of the great social quake called the Protestant Reformation. Macro historians such as Eugen Rosenstock-Hussey (“Out of Revolution”) and Jacques Barzun (“From Dawn to Decadence”) point out that the Protestant Reformation was Europe’s greatest reform movement. Through it, the Bible created the modern world. During the last hundred years or so, Evangelicalism has turned Christianity into the West most pessimistic worldview. Instead of changing the world, most evangelicals are waiting for the Antichrist, Tribulation and their “Escape” from the battlefield through Rapture. Will Jesus return to crush Satan or will His triumph on the Cross, His Spirit and His Word empower His body to crush the Serpent under our feet (Romans 16:20; Revelation 12:11; 1 John 2: 13-14)? Iain Murray discusses biblical optimism that energized William Carey in his book, “The Puritan Hope.” God’s children ought to be Peace-Makers, but evangelical pessimism has turned them into a voting bank, anxiously waiting for “wars and rumors of wars.” That has made it possible for the vested interests of Wall Street, Oil, Arms and Tech Industries to drive the US into terrible but avoidable unjust wars. The following lecture, delivered in Christ Community Church, Belchertown, MA, on Sunday Aug 11, challenges God’s children to recover biblical optimism for the healing of the nations. The church is pastored by Physicist Dr. Emmanuel Haqq, son of Dr. Akbar Haqq and the grandson of legendary Indian apologist Abdul Haqq.

BIBLICAL HOPE & The West’s Defeated, Pessimistic Evangelicalism Read More »

Vishal and Ruth Mangalwadi with Dr. & Mrs. David Gress

European Terrorists and the Bible

Before Ruth and I embarked on the Nordic Tour (Norway, Sweden, Denmark & Finland: April 18-May 16, 2024), my perspective was colored by the pro-English Netflix series, “The Last Kingdom.” It portrays the bloody conflicts between barbaric Vikings and semi-Christian kingdoms of England. For that reason, many of my lectures and debates raised the question: How did the Nordic nations become so peaceful, just, free, productive, progressive and least corrupt nations? My answer is that the Bible is the force that civilized pagan Europe. You can watch some of this discussion in the following four videos already posted here: Click here to watch (Other lectures will also be posted as local organizers make them available) The following factors made it much more than a lecture-debate tour: Thank you for your prayers and praise God for the fruit already visible. With gratitude,Vishal & Ruth Mangalwadi PS – Our picture is with Dr. & Mrs. David Gress

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Vishal Mangalwadi on OPPENHEIMER, MODI & CAREY


Can One Man Trigger a Chain-reaction That Destroys (or Builds) a Civilization? “Now I have become death, the destroyer of the worlds.” -Sri Krishna in the Bhagwat Gita A Review of Blockbuster Movie “Oppenheimer” Director: Christopher Nolan Oppenheimer: Played by Cillian Murphy Film script based on the 2005 biography “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer” by Kai Bird Can one man, say, India’s Prime Minister Narender Modi, trigger a chain reaction that destroys “modern India” — a civilization still being built by William Carey’s successors? The question that haunted “the father of atom bomb,” theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, was: Will his atom bomb start a chain reaction that destroys the world? Nuclear enemies, Pakistan and India, could turn Oppenheimer’s nightmare into reality. This month two Hollywood Blockbusters were released in India on the same weekend — Barbie and Oppenheimer. Barbie made ₹27.5 crore during the opening week, while Oppenheimer earned more than twice that amount, ₹73.15 crore! Oppenheimer beat Barbie because it made many Hindus proud that their Scriptures had a huge impact on a scientist of his stature. Robert Oppenheimer, the Director of the Manhattan Project, was reasonably certain that Adolf Hitler’s antisemitism will make it difficult for Nazi Germany to build the bomb. Back then, the Fascists saw Quantum Mechanics as “Jewish science.” As a communist leaning intellectual, Oppenheimer and his critics agreed that the American bomb will provoke Communist Soviet Union to make its own bomb. Oppenheimer dreaded that hatred between America and Soviet Union will turn the Cold War into Hot. Atom Bomb could become the power that destroys the world. The Bhagwat Gita helped Oppenheimer resolve his inner conflict. In a sex scene with his lover Jean Tatlock, played by Florence Pugh, Oppenheimer reads aloud one of the Gita’s shlokas. Vishnu’s incarnation Sri Krishna encourages reluctant champion-warrior, Arjuna, to forget ethical questions and do his caste’s duty to fight and kill. Why? Because God himself is Death and Destruction. After Nagasaki and Hiroshima were bombed, Oppenheimer told the media that the Bhagwat Gita was influence #2. The first influence that soothed his conscience was the collection of Baudelaire’s poems, “The Flowers of Evil” (Les Fleurs du Mal). In Baudelaire’s Foreword, Satan, identified as an Alchemist, says, “If rape, poison, dagger and fire, have still not embroidered their pleasant designs on the banal canvas of our pitiable destinies, it’s because our soul, alas, is not bold enough!” To build his diabolical weapon of mass destruction, Oppenheimer indeed needed great boldness, just as Arjuna needed a bold philosophy to direct his morally reluctant, oscillating soul. Oppenheimer’s Bomb did trigger a chain reaction. Not just Russia but many other nations have developed nuclear weapons and mind-boggling delivery systems. Some of the nuclear powers are led by souls without inner moral struggles. They are bolder than Oppenheimer. One example is Sri Narendra Modi, India’s militant Prime Minister who has cultivated an adversary – Islam – which is second to none in a capacity to hate and destroy. World War 2 started because militarily, Fascist Germany was stronger than its rivals. Yet, Germany paid a heavy price to learn that arrogance is neither virtue, nor safe. Modi’s Hindutva Brigade believes that it is powerful enough to crush Islam. Hindu-Muslim conflict appears to be a battle between an arrogant Goliath and a shepherd-boy, David. In such unequal conflicts, “Who is better-armed” is irrelevant. The relevant question is: who has the heart to strike first. Can a man trigger a chain-reaction that destroys a civilization? Sri Krishna says, YES … and Modiji is out to prove that he has the inner resolve to destroy modern pluralistic, tolerant India in order to build a Hindu Rashtra. The good news is that an individual can also trigger a movement that BUILDS a civilization. That is the history, Ruth and I have told in our book The Father of Modern India: William Carey. Carey began the movement that built modern South Asia. Now a diabolic spirit of hate is seeking to destroy it. (August 14 is Pakistan’s Independence Day; Aug 15 is India’s Independence Day; Aug 17 is William Carey’s birthdate) Please get your copy of “The Father of Modern India: William Carey” in the USA from and in India from -Vishal & Ruth Mangalwadi


Can the Bible Reform America?

The American eagle flew higher and faster than all other civilizations because it flew on two wings: “Humble Faith” in the Bible and the Enlightenment’s “Commonsense.” (Michael Novak, On Two Wings: Humble Faith and Commonsense at America’s Founding.) Both these wings have now been clipped. Consequently, the “Eagle” is in a free fall. America’s crash will have terrible consequences for the whole world. Can America be reformed? Yes. The following lecture explains how: Praise God for a very busy volunteer who is sacrificing his time to upload at least one video per week on our YouTube channel – Vishal Mangalwadi. Others are helping to collect and edit hundreds of my lectures, scattered around the world. By watching and promoting the channel, you can help turn it into a course on a new reformation. Currently, I am on a 100-day tour: 7 Continents, 10-12 nations, and 40+ cities. (The “seven” includes two trips each to Europe and North America.) I plan to send reports from Switzerland, India, Uganda, and Germany, especially on several consultations we’ve had following the Phoenix Consultation in June. Ruth, who traveled to Australia in October, plans to join me in Germany on Sunday, Nov 10. From Nov. 11-15, we will be studying the book of Revelation with German theologians, pastors and Christian leaders. Please pray that Europe’s Evangelical Christianity may find healing for its Eschatological Paralysis. On November 16-17 we hope to launch European Revelation Movement in Kontal, near Stuttgart. It will be led by Andreas Wieland. Besides supporting my writings, European researchers will start working on two projects: The Spiritual History of Switzerland and The Spiritual History of Germany. The Germans are already using Facebook and Websites effectively. A separate YouTube channel will also be launched as I have over 100 lectures in English-German. Since Universities are destroying nations, from Feb 18-22 about 40 of us will meet in South Korea to launch a Cyber University. Initially it will offer Bachelor and Masters degrees in Applied Theology and Leadership. The long term goal is to return non-sacred (secular) education to local Church-based system of discipling nations through education. Thank you for your prayers and financial support. Your donations are needed to support our growing creative, editorial, promotional and administrative teams.

Can the Bible Reform America? Read More »

Vishal Mangalwadi: American News

America is facing a little problem

America is facing a little problem: The President says that the world’s freest, most educated, powerful, and resourceful media is “Fakenews.” That is, news reporters no longer bear witness to the truth. They spin stories to serve the interests of their paymasters. The Press returns the compliment: the President is Post-truth. Meaning: don’t trust the President you elected. He is the figurehead of a culture that believes in manipulation, not Truth. Enemies fighting culture-wars agree simultaneously with the President and the Press: “American leaders, press, and media moguls should not be trusted. They are products of an education that does not believe in Truth.” Americans disagree on WHO is the bigger problem: Politicians or the Illegal Immigrants. They debate WHAT is a greater problem: Immigration or ever-increasing Debt, Economy or secular Education, Terrorism or Guns, China or North Korea, collapsing Family or increasing Immorality . . . but they agree that The American eagle is in a free fall  Federal Debt is over 22 trillion dollars. It is increasing every second. Leaders no longer know how to manage the nation’s revenue. Federal Government has over-promised $122 trillions for Social Security, Medicare etc. No one has any clue as to where this amount will come from. President George W Bush called Social Security a gigantic Ponzi scheme. He warned that it will sink the world’s largest economy. The problem was acknowledged forcefully, even though President Bush was powerless to do anything about it. His successors, Obama and Trump, have been wiser. They have closed their eyes to the Time Bomb ticking away at the heart of the nation. President Obama knew and Trump knows that they cannot defuse the bomb. There are politicians with so much passion for the poor that they are willing to sink the nation. They want the world to lend $1 trillion more to teach American students NOT to keep their word and NOT to pay their debts. Some Wannabe Presidents want the nation to borrow more or tax more to offer free healthcare and education to every citizen and immigrant — legal or illegal. Many voters applaud these proposals to drown the nation in debt and tax. Why? They think that America’s untrustworthy professors and politicians may be smarter than their forefathers who actually built the world’s greatest economy. American eagle is falling: where will it crash? Possibilities are plenty: — Uncle SAM has given to itself the power to print unlimited numbers of dollars. Printing can pay back every penny. After all, a dollar is just a piece of paper with a promise from a government that Americans elect but don’t trust! — A future President can choose to default. He can blame the creditors for lending to his predecessors who were compulsive gamblers. Would the world then stop lending? Of course, it will! Would that create some difficulties? Well, strong leaders know how to deal with difficult people. Between 1976-83, not even a generation ago, Argentine defaulted. Money stopped flowing in. Massive unemployment and protests followed. None of that bothered the government. It just arrested the protestors. A few days later the prisoners were told to dance to loud music for they were being sent south to freedom. Exhausted prisoners were “vaccinated” for their journey into liberty. As soon as they became too drowsy to resist, they were stripped naked, dumped into trucks, loaded onto aircrafts, and thrown into the Atlantic ocean. “May be! But American is different. It was built on ‘self-evident truths’ that all men are ‘endowed by their Creator with an inalienable right to life’ That is true. North and south Americas were built on different worldview foundations. Northern revolution was inspired by the Bible. The Southern revolutionaries such as Simon Bolivar were informed by the Enlightenment. Boliver carried three books on his military campaigns: Montesquie’s Spirit of the Laws, Adam Smith’s Wealth of the Nations, and Voltaire’s Essays on why England was doing better than France. The Bible was the International Border between North and South America. But does that matter now? The “truths” on which the USA was built have become toothless. They are assumed to be outdated “Bible stories.” Did God create Adam and Eve? Did Evolution command mosquitos to NOT kill human babies? — A likely place for the Eagle’s crash is WW3. God’s children are Peacemakers. But the Devil also has his children in strategic places. Not too long ago they incited Uncle SAM to start unjust wars in the Middle East. Those powerful lobbies are eager to do it again: ‘Use your awesome military might to ignite a global war: Arms-industry needs to dump aging inventory; industrial sector needs a boost; Wall-Street needs new investors. A victorious war will allow you to restructure global economy. Didn’t WW2 bring America out of its greatest ever recession?’ — Yes, the American eagle is in a free-fall . . . but does it have to crash-land into the Devil’s snare? Isn’t there an option to cry out to the Loving Father? Can’t He bring the Eagle back into its nest? America can return to its earlier ‘sanity’ and ‘morality.’ Its ‘inventiveness’ and ‘work-ethic’ have the ability to create enough wealth to repay debts and bless the world. Such a turn-around needs a spiritual Revival. It will be a new Great Awakening. It will reform America and heal our world. Economists are forced to confront hard data sooner or later. Psychologists and Sociologists on the other hand have greater flexibility to ignore truth. PostTruth era requires them to be true only to their own theories (however false). Their current (relative) truth that they are nothing but animals, legitimizes sexual indiscipline. Suppression of true Truth has so darkened minds that America has turned its temples of learning into Red Light Districts.  Even Date-rapist is acquitted if he was drunk. Where is America headed? It is going the way of Jeffery Epstein. He was a teacher who became multi-millionaire financier and sex-trafficker. A friend of Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump he had interests in high profile

America is facing a little problem Read More »

Vishal Mangalwadi's post about Al Jazeera’s report “Babies for sale” in Malaysia. And on abortion


Photos refer to: (1)AlJazeera’s report “Babies for sale” in Malaysia. (2) Medical students in Indiana University buy body parts of aborted babies. An American activist protests against Asian couples selling their daughters. Next day she marches for her right to abort her own baby, even if her baby’s cut-up body-parts are sold to the highest bidder. Vermont’s ‘Republican’ Governor, Phil Scott, signs a bill that his state gives a mother the right to murder the 9-month old baby in her womb. Louisiana’s ‘Democratic’ Governor, John Bel Edwards, signs an opposite bill: his state bans abortions once a baby’s heartbeat is detectable. Well, the confused American activist judges Asian culture to be immoral because her parents’ taught her that a ‘person’ must not be bought, caged and auctioned like an ‘animal.’ She fights for her right to sell her baby’s body-parts because her university teaches that a ‘person’ is just a blob of meat. “Personhood” is an artificial construct of a language shaped by the Bible, this outdated idea implies human dignity, inalienable rights to life and liberty, conscience, male and female. The Bible “misled” the West into believing that human beings were different than animals and robots because they were persons, made in God’s image. Animals killed can be eaten; robots don’t require funerals … but a human’s dignity has to be affirmed even after his death. God’s command, “Thou shall not commit murder” gave to every human being a right to life. The state can take that right away because, as Nietzche lamented, the Enlightenment murdered God. The postmodern university teaches that even though every cell and every atom is “information”, our Creator cannot possibly communicate His commands. Take another insanity: a democratic Britain votes to be a sovereign nation independent of EU’s control. Some Members of her Parliament elected by the same voters, treat the voice of sovereign citizens as the voice of the Devil. How can that be? Well, . . . the ideas of sovereignty of nations and citizens came from the Bible. Without the Bible the west has no choice but to revert back to the pagan idea of empire. It was the Bible that taught that God demolished the imperial city of Babel to create sovereign nations. God’s kingdom undermines empires. His light shows nations the path to become great nations. . . when sinful citizens are given the authority to become God’s children, they sit on their Father’s throne (Revelation 3:21) as “kings”. If you want to make sense of our age of nonsense, please go on and buy my latest book, “This Book Changed Everything: The Bible’s Amazing Impact on Our World.” If you prefer a signed copy, please donate $50 or more online at The upcoming Phoenix Consultation (June 24-29) urgently needs your financial support. Key people from 10 or so nations will meet to plan an education revolution (June 25-27) that will equip local churches to offer high quality, accredited, affordable online education. In partnership with universities, local churches will disciple nations by taking education back from the Devil. On June 29, the participants will guide our desire to make a Docuseries, “A Bus Journey to Find the Lost Soul of the West.” In this Reality TV type series, six or so international scholars will take a bus journey with a film crew to visit locations where the modern world was made. They will meet with experts and ask: what role did Greece and Rome; Paganism, Christianity, and atheism; Renaissance, Reformation, and Enlightenment play in creating the modern world. The investigators will test the thesis that the Bible created the modern world; without its light the West is lost in the darkness of its own making. Education is a process of civilising individuals. Therefore, Phoenix Consultation is about reviving civilization’s soul. It will enable churches in Africa, Asia, South and North America to fulfill the Great Commission to disciple nations. They will marinate the next generations in Truth and Virtue. Thank you for your prayers and financial support Vishal Mangalwadi


Vishal Mangalwadi's blog on "Has Homosexuality won America?"


May 13, 2019 cover story of TIME magazine features America’s (future) “First Family” — Pete Buttigieg, an Episcopalian Mayor of the city of South Bend, and “his” husband, Chasten Glezman. In 2015, at the peak of his campaign to be re-elected as city Mayor, Buttigieg declared that he was a homosexual. He won the election with 80% of the votes. The TIME says that today 67% Americans, including 44% Republicans, support homosexual marriage. The TIME Is not saying that he will win Democratic nomination or the race. It is saying that homosexuality has won America. Why? The short answer is that evangelicalism forgot that winning souls means winning minds. A majority of American theologians, including many evangelicals, believe that the Bible is a collection of “stories”: For many, Genesis 1-11 are definitely stories. The earlier idea that God made man in His image, male and female, is a “story”. If so, what exactly is maleness and femaleness? Indian Bhagwan Osho Rajneesh (1931-“90) taught Americans that reality is one. All dualism, including male and female, good and evil is an illusion created by the intellect. (For details please see my chapter on Rajneesh in “The World of Gurus”) Hippies and the New Age movement learnt Hindu/Buddhist Tantric physiology that everyone of us has male and female energies within us. The female energy “Kundalini” is the Serpent Power at the base of our spine. It lies dormant in a psychic center or “chakra”. Meditation, especially sexual meditation, arouses it. Once awakened, the Kundalini power travels up through the spine and passes through five chakras, giving psychic (spiritual) experiences to the meditator. Finally, the female energy merges with the male (Shiva) energy at the 7th “Crown chakra”. At that point, the meditator attains enlightenment, for the male and the female energies within him become one. Traditional Christian marriage assumes that we are finite. I am male, not a female. I need my wife to become whole. But what if I am infinite . . . if Brahma (infinite God) is within me. Then my idea that I am a male, incomplete, finite, is an illusion. For the female is already within me. In order to realize my divinity, infinity, oneness, I must renounce marriage and awaken the feminine within me. This is a basic reason why serious Hindus and Buddhists, seeking spiritual enlightenment, begin their spiritual quest by renouncing marriage. This is called “Brahmacharya”. It is often mistranslated as “celibacy” which means, renouncing sex. Brahmacharis (such as Mahatma Gandhi or Rajneesh) renounce marriage but indulge in sex in order to experience oneness within (that is, to become God). Carl Jung, the famous Swiss Psychoanalyst, visited India in 1936-’37 and brought this Indian perspective to the West. He gave scientific sounding names, “anima” and “animus”, to male and female energies. Both, he said, are present within everyone (for God never made us male and female). It has taken a few generations for America’s mega-charismatic-evangelical churches, such as Bethel in Redding, to start seeking kundalini spirits. If Genesis 1-11 are “stories” then, obviously, *** (As President Obama says) one of America’s foundational ideas that all men are created equal in God’s image is a “story.” Revelation requires faith or obedience, a story does not. *** The revealed idea was that the ultimate purpose of human sexuality was to make us rulers. Now that is deemed to be a “story”. That means God did not actually bring Eve to Adam. He did not actually ask the two to become one in a permanent marriage, to be fruitful (have children) and nurture them in such a way so that they could establish their dominion on the earth and rule over it as God’s children. Perceiving Genesis as stories gives human beings the right to make up their own story that sex evolved for fun, not for binding one permanently to his/her spouse. *** If Genesis is stories, then the idea of sin, including adultery and sodomy, are outdated stories. Human beings are not fallen sinners. The belief that they will be held accountable for their sin, including sexual sin, is merely a religious story. There is no revelation from a Holy God. There is no standard of sexual holiness that God requires. There is no final judgment. Is there a reason now why a President should not invent his own morality and use the White House as a harem? Why shouldn’t the White House organize orgies as do American universities and colleges? America is lost. American Christianity handed over to the Devil, the responsibility to disciple/educate its own children. Therefore, from June 25-29, some of us are gathering in Phoenix, AZ to begin an education revolution. It seeks to turn every church into a web-based college classroom. Students will enroll in Christian universities, but go to local churches, Monday to Friday, to attend classes online under Academic Pastors. An Academic Pastor is a Youth Pastor Version 2.0. He/she is a home schooling mom or dad, credentialed to become Church-College parent. Visionary universities, church leaders, and individuals are coming to Phoenix from Uganda, Zambia, Indonesia, India, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Canada and the USA to this low-key, yet strategic, Consultation. To learn more, please visit Please pray for the financial needs of participants keen to disciple their nations. For every donation of $100 or more you will receive a signed copy of “This Book Changed Everything: The Bible’s Amazing Impact on Our World.” The book explains why Buddhist Enlightenment is winning the West. Why the world’s freest and the strongest press has become Fake News. Why most Americans no longer trust their post-truth politicians.


BLESSING AFRICA: AFTER AID IS DEAD [A German Magazine interviews Vishal Mangalwadi]

(Question 1) A great deal of development aid has already been provided in Africa. Why does nothing seem to change? Finland and Switzerland are among the most developed nations in Europe. No one gave them any aid. Nor did they go out to colonize other nations. In fact, they are better developed than European nations that looted their colonies e.g., Spain, Portugal, Belgium, France, and Russia. Land, natural resources, climate and people are a nation’s hardware. The ‘word’ — language, laws, literature — is a nation’s software: its soul. Language carries the ideas that bind a people into a common culture and drive their institutions. Reformed nations developed because they educated the soul — minds, hearts, character — with God’s “word.” Dambisa Moyo, Zambian economist, educated in Harvard and Oxford, is the author of “Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa.” She states that aid worth US$1 trillion was given to Africa over five decade. Some of it helped, but most aid has hindered sustainable, long term development. Aid (i.e. injecting capital) deals with the hardware. It doesn’t change a nation’s soul — the software. Education addresses the soul. In most of Africa, “modern” education came about a century ago. Most universities taught materialistic (non-spiritual, secular) worldview which deceived African nations into thinking that financial aid or loot is the secret of economic development. Therefore, ambitious individuals, who cannot go out to colonize other nations, fight with each other to loot their own nation, its resources, including aid dollars. The failure of aid shows that the secular belief is false that economics drives the world. Europe’s Reformation believed that material progress takes place when we seek God’s kingdom and righteousness. Secularism has failed in Africa, just as it failed in most of Asia, Eastern Europe, and South America. (Question 2) There are more and more Christians in Africa. Should the countries / the continent not be better off with the new Christian values? Indeed, a country such as Uganda is 84% Christian. It became an independent nation in 1962. Since then its governments have changed nine times. Yet, not a single transfer of power has been peaceful. Its constitutions have been “democratic” but military and militia leaders have had to kill each other to capture power. By the time the British established Uganda’s first university (1922), their own “Christian” universities had become secular. They taught “Liberalism” which has deceived the West as well as the brightest of Ugandan leaders. The sadder truth is that the 20th Century “Conservative” Evangelicalism which evangelized Africa became anti-intellectual and escapist. All it wanted was for Jesus to come back and take Christian souls to their mansions in heaven. It promoted ethical “values” for personal behavior but forgot the Reformation’s rich social (political, legal, ethical, economic, literary, educational, scientific) legacy. This modern evangelical Gospel “saved souls.” It had little light to guide nations. It had no power to reform, heal and bless Africa. For example, the traditional African mind understood “tribes”, “chiefdoms”, “kingdoms” and colonialism. It had no concept of “nation.” This point is explained in my new book, “This Book Changed Everything: The Bible’s Amazing Impact On Our World” [In German, “Die Seele des Westens” (Fontis, September 2019)]. Through the Atlantic Charter (1941) American President, Franklin Roosevelt, forced European empires to end imperialism. Therefore, following WW2, African colonies were made “nations.” But, no one taught former colonies how to become great nations. In fact European intellectuals began to despise the idea of nation.For prior to WW2, the Fascists had separated the idea of “nation” from the Bible. That made them abuse virtues such as “nationalism.” The Fascist corruption of nationalism, made it a repulsive word for the secularists who did not read the Bible. The Evangelical seminaries lacked the competence and the confidence to apply the Bible to politics. In fact terms such as ‘nation’ and ‘nationalism’ make them nervous, even though, the Bible says that the Bride of Christ is glorified so that she may give light to the nations (Rev 21: 22-24). The Bride becomes the New Jerusalem so that it may produce tress whose leaves are for the healing of the nations (Rev 22:2). Evangelical theology became so individualistic that it became irrelevant for public life. It marginalized even the church, which use to be the centre of every village and town in Europe. Earlier, to reform the Church meant reforming a nation. For the church embodied a nation’s soul: its music, art, architecture, core ideas. Africa is in trouble because, as the Lausanne Congress observed in 1974, the default Evangelical eschatology has paralyzed the church. A new reformation or theological ferment is needed to equip the church to transform African nations. (Question 3) Some experts think that help makes people dependent. Would it not be consistent to withdraw aid from African countries? Does that mean that we would starve people to death? The Lord Jesus fed the hungry with bread and fish. When they came back for more bread, he refused to feed them. He pointed them to the true bread (John 6), to the real water of life — himself (John 7: 38). For “man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” (Matthew 4: 4; Deut 8:3). The soul food, the software — the word — matters. Birds and animals look for bread. They don’t mind stealing it. We object to theft and loot for Man is different than animals. He was created in the Creator’s image to be creative. We are to grow grain or buy it in order to make or buy bread. We need to earn enough to share food with the needy, including with birds and animals. Secular (Communist) education and economy starved millions in Russia. It is starving people today in resource rich Venezuela. Socialist education-economy, sustained by aid and subsidies, keeps driving Indian farmers to suicide. German leaders ought to learn from

BLESSING AFRICA: AFTER AID IS DEAD [A German Magazine interviews Vishal Mangalwadi] Read More »


Not too long ago, “experts” were claiming that BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) countries would soon become like “First World” economies. Now, Indian voters, seem set to throw out the present government in the next three months. Why? Several studies show that as many as 45 desperate farmers-in-debt kill themselves everyday! Influential groups of “Forward” caste farmers — Patels, Jats, Marathas, Gujjars — keep organizing protest marches to demand “Reservations” (quota) in government jobs and educational institutions. Last month the government tried to appease them by granting 10% reservations to the poor among them. (Usually the well-to-do will have the resources to bribe and get the certificate that they are poor.) Rural voters number 67% of India. In order to woo their votes, Rahul Gandhi, the President of the Congress Party, is promising to waive farmers’ debts, if voted to power. Who will bear that burden? Will Rahul further bankrupt our banks? Hindutva is ‘partly’ right: India’s current agrarian crisis is a result of socialism championed by Rahul’s great-grandfather, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. European Enlightenment deceived good Indians such as our first Prime Minister. Their intentions were noble when they distributed land to the landless. Except that in the second generation a 10 acre had to be divided among 3 sons. The third generation was left with one or less acre. That is too small a plot to feed one family, let alone also a pair of oxen. The 10 acre plot should have remained with one of the sons. Other children should have been educated to process or market agri-products or innovate and maintain machinery and manure to improve food production. Thus, the “agrarian crisis” is an education-crisis. Nehruji banned visas for missionary who were educating the poor. He championed the state-operated socialist, secular education which has turned out to be a disaster . . . and not just in India. The following article, “Simple Arithmetic” points out that Secular Britain, which deceived Nehru, is also a victim of the foolishness it taught our leaders. A cashier and a manager in a grocery shop in UK do not know how to calculate 10% of £1.20. State-run education did not make Britain “Great”. Good salaries do not inspire teachers to love and educate their pupil well. Protestant nations became history’s greatest nations because the Bible taught them that teaching everyone was a mandate given to the church. Today many Christians think that ‘God wants all men to be saved and go to heaven.’ The Bible, on the other hand, taught Europe’s reformers that, “God wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2: 4). Today a typical pastor works much like a Hindu “Pujari” (priest), performing religious rituals. St. Paul said that as an apostle, his job was to be a “preacher” and a “teacher of the truth to gentiles.” (1 Timothy 2: 7; Titus 1: 1). A typical school teacher rarely knows his students and their families. A pastor-teacher knows a student, his siblings, parents, and grandparents. They have a relationship. This makes educating a child a community affair. His extended family and church gets engaged in making a child what he/she can and wants to become. Secular/socialist education has corrupted not just nations, it has corrupted church’s understanding of its own mission. Far too many churches think that they are sent NOT to “disciple nations” (Matthew 28:18) but to prepare souls to get “raptured” out of this earth into the heavens. The above is not meant to deny that some churches run some of the “best” schools in nations such as India. However, today’s “Christian” education is very different than the education that created great nations such as UK. Reformer Martin Luther pioneered modern education because the Bible taught him that Jesus shed his blood on the cross to purchase Satan’s slaves to make them God’s sons, so that they might serve their Father as kings and priests. (Revelation 5: 9-10). A priest needs education because he has to know God. For reformers such as Luther, Melanchthon, Calvin, Beza, Knox, Melville, Comenius, Francke, universal education was an implication of the New Testament’s doctrine of “Priesthood of all believers.” Today’s tragedy is that much of Christian education has become the “Priesthood of RICH believers.” Generally, a family has to be rich enough to send their children to “Christian” schools. These schools still produce “priests” but these post-modern priests serve the god Jesus called “mammon” (money). They go to Christian schools and colleges to make money — not to serve their nations! Thankfully — a new reformation is getting started. The leadership of about 30,000 Pentecostal churches in Uganda has decided to turn their churches into centers of 21st century education. Beginning in August 2019, their leaders/pastors will enroll in a university in an Online BA in Applied Theology. Among other things the course will equip them to become Academic Pastors (apostle Paul like Pastors-Masters/ Preachers-Teachers). The university will transmit its curriculum to the remotest village via satellite. Once these pastors have learned how to educate themselves using online curriculum . . . they will become Academic Pastors in their own churches. As a centre of Hybrid – digital learning in small groups – the church will impart the finest education at affordable price to the poorest. African children living in jungles or slums, learning math through programs such as Khan Academy and Prodigy, will be able to compete with students in Britain’s state schools, Dedicated groups are making serious efforts to take this new model of education to many countries, including to India, and the USA. American church has the capacity to reform the USA, by turning 100,000 churches into centers of 21st century, hybrid, affordable eduction. What the American church lacks is a theology of discipling nations. Your participation is cordially invited. Details will soon be available on


Why the West Attracts Immigrants – Reformation Series #1

(Celebrating the Reformation with Vishal Mangalwadi-1)Immigration has become a major challenge to the West.People want to migrate to the West because it respects individual rights and freedoms. It believes in human dignity and equality. It puts law over rulers and stands for good education. The West has been the engine for scientific and technological advance.But the West was not always like this. And, once again, it is changing before our eyes.Although it is still the least corrupt and best developed part of the world, now it labels itself as Post-Truth. People no longer trust their politicians, the press, and even the integrity of some of their scientists and industry.So, what made the modern West a civilization that believed in Truth?Two thousand years ago, a Roman Governor was able to declare a public figure innocent and then go on to crucify him. How could he do that? Didn’t he know that he was violating his fundamental right to life and destroying the people’s trust in the judicial system?Well, back then the West did not rely on trust. It terrorized people into submission.It did not believe in truth because the Greeks had learned that the human mind, left to itself, could not know truth. Therefore, like my culture in India the Graeco-Roman culture was also built on myths, magic, and mysticism.A return to Truth created the modern West. Let me illustrate.I was trying to buy Tram tickets in Amsterdam. I asked two Americans:“How does this machine work?”“Why do you want to buy tickets?” they said. “We’ve been travelling around for two days. No one has come to check tickets.”I was amazed: How did Holland create a society that could trust its citizens? And why is the new generation rejecting the morality that resulted in the West’s unique freedom and prosperity?Five hundred years ago, the Premodern West was as corrupt as my nation. What caused the change was a movement called The Reformation.The Reformers were rebels. Most rebellions destroy. However, Sixteenth Century reformers succeeded because they enthroned Truth above themselves and their religion.Can we know Truth?The Reformers sought Truth because they believed in a Creator who knows truth, and communicates it just as a father teaches truth to his children. The reformers followed the Bible’s teaching articulated best by St. Augustine: The human mind was made in God’s image. Therefore, it can and ought to seek Truth. This faith in knowable – revealed and rational truth made the West a uniquely thinking civilization.In contrast, Buddhist monks in China didn’t read the books they received. Their sacred texts taught them that words cannot communicate truth. Therefore, they stopped reading and, instead, they meditated on the ‘sacred’ sound of their rotating bookcases.The Bible transformed Holland because it inspired the reformed church to educate everyone. Education grounded in the Bible cultivated love for truth and virtue.Pagans made up their own gods. Likewise, the Postmodern West is like the premodern Pagan age. Both reject objective truth and morality. They make up their own “truths” and moral values. Flexible morality destroys a society’s moral capital. It makes it impossible to trust each other!By becoming Post-Christian, the West has naturally become Postmodern and Post-Truth. It has amputated its soul, the Bible, which created the modern world. Once again human opinions, feelings and vested interests claim authority over Truth.The quest for truth was the engine of the West’s intellectual, economic and social success. Losing truth means losing trust. To lose trust is to lose peace, progress and prosperity.Truth matters.Therefore, this video series will explore why the Bible created the Modern Age of Truth.Please subscribe to the YouTube channel “Truth Matters” and share this video-series with your friendsThank youVishal Mangalwadi

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