Revelation Movement


BIBLICAL HOPE & The West’s Defeated, Pessimistic Evangelicalism

“Attempt Great Things For God; Expect Great Things from God” was William Carey’s optimistic motto. It inspired the mission that made Carey the Father of Modern India. Today (August 17), in Ithaca, NY, we are celebrating Carey’s birthday, along with our grandnephew Anmay’s wedding to Olivia. Carey’s mission was an “aftershock” of the great social quake called the Protestant Reformation. Macro historians such as Eugen Rosenstock-Hussey (“Out of Revolution”) and Jacques Barzun (“From Dawn to Decadence”) point out that the Protestant Reformation was Europe’s greatest reform movement. Through it, the Bible created the modern world. During the last hundred years or so, Evangelicalism has turned Christianity into the West most pessimistic worldview. Instead of changing the world, most evangelicals are waiting for the Antichrist, Tribulation and their “Escape” from the battlefield through Rapture. Will Jesus return to crush Satan or will His triumph on the Cross, His Spirit and His Word empower His body to crush the Serpent under our feet (Romans 16:20; Revelation 12:11; 1 John 2: 13-14)? Iain Murray discusses biblical optimism that energized William Carey in his book, “The Puritan Hope.” God’s children ought to be Peace-Makers, but evangelical pessimism has turned them into a voting bank, anxiously waiting for “wars and rumors of wars.” That has made it possible for the vested interests of Wall Street, Oil, Arms and Tech Industries to drive the US into terrible but avoidable unjust wars. The following lecture, delivered in Christ Community Church, Belchertown, MA, on Sunday Aug 11, challenges God’s children to recover biblical optimism for the healing of the nations. The church is pastored by Physicist Dr. Emmanuel Haqq, son of Dr. Akbar Haqq and the grandson of legendary Indian apologist Abdul Haqq.

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Vishal and Ruth Mangalwadi with Dr. & Mrs. David Gress

European Terrorists and the Bible

Before Ruth and I embarked on the Nordic Tour (Norway, Sweden, Denmark & Finland: April 18-May 16, 2024), my perspective was colored by the pro-English Netflix series, “The Last Kingdom.” It portrays the bloody conflicts between barbaric Vikings and semi-Christian kingdoms of England. For that reason, many of my lectures and debates raised the question: How did the Nordic nations become so peaceful, just, free, productive, progressive and least corrupt nations? My answer is that the Bible is the force that civilized pagan Europe. You can watch some of this discussion in the following four videos already posted here: Click here to watch (Other lectures will also be posted as local organizers make them available) The following factors made it much more than a lecture-debate tour: Thank you for your prayers and praise God for the fruit already visible. With gratitude,Vishal & Ruth Mangalwadi PS – Our picture is with Dr. & Mrs. David Gress

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Vishal Mangalwadi on Truthpedia - a new encyclopedia


The TRUTH baptized His body with the Spirit of Truth (John 14: 16; 15:26; 16: 12). Therefore, the Reformers risked their lives to bring Europe’s confused and compromised church back under the Truth’s authority. Builders of the modern world including John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), urged Christians to gather all knowledge in one encyclopedia. European Church could not do that because the Thirty-Years War (1618-48) had left Protestants and Roman Catholics too weak to take up that challenge. The French Enlightenment seized the opportunity and began misleading the modern age. The American Church had the ability to build a Wisdompedia during the 19th-20th centuries. Sadly, starting in 1805,  America’s Trinitarian Christianity began loosing its universities such as Harvard to Deism and Unitarianism. By the 1880s, at the height of its power, American evangelicalism began abandoning Truth and the universities, in favor of Anti-Intellectualism, Bible Institutes and a spirit of irrationality. Now, that Christianity’s centre of gravity is shifting southward to Africa, Asia and South America, it is time for the global body of Christ to come together to fill the earth with the Spirit of Wisdom as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11: 1-9). The Third Education Revolution has set up a pilot group to construct (a) Technology Platform needed for a new Truth-based Encyclopedia and (b) mobilize International Forum For Professors and Scholars (IFPS) to research all truth, gather it on one platform and disseminate it globally. You are cordially invited to contribute your thoughts on the subject on the Encyclopedia’s landing page: Vishal Mangalwadi


Vishal Mangalwadi on Victorious Church for The Healing of the Nations

Victorious Church for The Healing of the Nations

Why did God baptize His Church with “the Spirit of Truth” (John 14:16; 15:26; 16:13)? Because nations that God wants to bless are perishing for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6 & 14). The knowledge of Truth saves and heals (Isaiah 6: 9-10; 53:11). It empowers believers to overcome the evil one (1 John 2:13-14). The earth is already filled with the glory of God: Language, Logic, Mathematics, Music, Beauty, Conscience and Design reveal God’s glory (Isaiah 6:3; Psalm 19:1; Romans 1:19-20). However, spiritual blindness prevents people from seeing that glory. The spiritually blind make the finite creation and the reason that studies it, the Absolute. They worship creation or reason. In order to open blind eyes, God baptizes His servants with the Spirit of Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Counsel and the Fear of the Lord. God gives His servants the knowledge of Truth so that they may testify to the Truth. Educating nations fills the earth with the healing KNOWLEDGE of the glory of the Lord (Habakkuk 2:14, Isaiah 11:2-9). Protestant movement educated nations in order to make them the greatest nations in history. Sadly, for more than a century now, the Western Church, defeated by bankrupt Rationalism, has abandoned Hope. It has been spreading its pessimism about the “Last Days”. Far too many pulpits preach, “Read 2 Timothy 3.” There, they claim, Paul predicts, ‘There will be terrible times in the last days.’ These preachers ignore the fact that the Son of God “appeared to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). Consequently, “the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining” (1 Jn 2:8). They ignore John who told his readers 2,000 years ago, that the last days (of the Jewish Age), which “is the last hour… (therefore) many antichrist’s have (already) come” (1 John 2:18). Why do I reject most versions of Western Eschatology? Because I believe that: The following 8 videos will help you understand my optimistic eschatology called, Parallel Millennium. God’s word of hope gives confidence that the victorious Church will build great nations in Asia, Africa, and  Latin America, provided she liberates herself from Protestant Pessimism of the 20th century. Parallel Millennium Explained: (1) (2) Parallel Millennium Applied: (3) (4) (5) (6) Parallel Millennium Examined: (7) (8) Requesting YOUR support for our global ministry, For Truth’s TriumphVishal Mangalwadi

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Vishal Mangalwadi's Letter to the Prime Minister of India

Idolatry: Letter to the Prime Minister of India

Monday, January 15, 2024 To,Hon’able Sri Narendra ModiPrime MinisterGovernment of IndiaNew Delhi, India Honorable Modiji, You have succeeded in making idol-worship India’s #1 political issue for January 2024. It is a milestone in Hindutva’s effort to make India a Hindu nation. Therefore, please allow me to explain why our founding fathers did not promote worship of mythical gods and goddesses. Instead, they adopted “Jan Gan Man” as our national anthem. It teaches us to pray to the sovereign Creator, the shaper of India’s destiny (Bharat Bhagya Vidhata). Our fathers accepted Pandit M. M. Malviya’s suggestion to make Satyameva Jayate (Truth Alone Triumphs) our national motto because they wanted Truth to replace myth as our authority. They agreed with reformers such as Mahatma Jyotiba Phule that Truth liberates, while myths are made to enslave. God is a Spirit. He has no physical shape or form. That’s why every effort to make an image of the invisible God, creates false gods. Worshipping man-made gods, creation, or creatures made by God or human imagination, weakened India. That is because we are created to seek Truth; to believe what is true. That is scientific temper. It is necessary to establish our dominion over creation. A culture that worships creation makes itself incapable of understanding and governing creation. Human culture flourishes when we seek God’s kingdom and do His will on earth. Myths may be good entertainment. They may impart some wisdom and societal values. However, allowing myth-makers to make our gods put us on a downward slide into deception’s abyss. Religion influences the way we live. When temples teach myths as the foundation of a culture, why shouldn’t businessmen use fake account books? Or, the police fabricate false cases to harass innocent citizens? Why should lawyers coach witnesses to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Our courts — the temples of justice — are rapidly losing their credibility, because our culture of myth-making is turning them into centers of corruption. Whoever makes our gods has to create our ethics. This is the great dilemma, sir, that you are facing, as you prepare to inaugurate the Ram Temple in Ayodhya on January 22nd. The Shankaracharyas, the archbishops of the “Sanatan Dharma,” are telling you that since you are married, you cannot participate in Pran Prathishtha without your wife. As a young man, you followed god Rama when you abandoned her without divorcing. Is wife a husband’s property that can be abandoned or gambled away at will as did Rama and the Pandavas? Or, does she have a dignity that must be protected? If marriage is sacred, then is it not necessary to grant her a legitimate divorce? The Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 rejected the Ramayana’s myth-made ethics in order to restore to Hindu wives the dignity that God had bestowed upon them. Would your attempt to make India a Hindu Nation drive our women back into dark ages? Please allow me to mention one more consequence of Idolatry: Your attempt to inaugurate the new Ram Temple has run into troubled waters. Many Pundits, including the Shankaracharyas, are insisting that as a non-Brahmin you cannot be the Chief Guest at the Pran Prathishta ceremony. They are saying that you are abusing their religion for your political gain. You are violating, not promoting, the “Sanatan” Caste-system. According to them, Brahmin dharma gurus must have the seat of honor: you ought to sit at their feet. I commend your attempt to violate hierarchical caste system. Yet, the learned pundits are right. Making India a Hindu Nation requires reviving the Hindu social ethics of intrinsic inequity of castes. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. Is human equality a divinely revealed Truth? If so, shouldn’t new India make EQUALITY its cultural foundation? Or, must Hindutva drive India back into caste-based inequality? Should Sanatan culture weaken India by making the vast majority — the Bahujan — fourth and fifth class citizens? Sir, the Ram Mandir movement could deliver votes to you. But India will become a great nation only if it is built on Truth. Myth-makers want their will to be done in India: our Anthem prays that God’s will may be done in India: Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people, Dispenser of India’s destiny. Thy name rouses the hearts of Punjab, Sindhu, Gujarat and Maratha, Of the Dravida and Orissa and Bengal; It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas, mingles in the music of Jamuna and Ganges and is chanted by the waves of the Indian Sea. They pray for thy blessings and sing thy praise. The saving of all people waits in thy hand, Thou dispenser of India’s destiny. Victory, victory, victory to thee. Respectfully Yours For Truth’s Triumph,Vishal Mangalwadi

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LANGUAGE EMPOWERS PEOPLE India’s Renaissance began in Bengal in the early 19th century through a linguistic revolution. It was pioneered by a Baptist missionary, William Carey (1761-1834). This British cobbler-turned-linguist came to Bengal in 1793. At that time India had three classical languages: Persian, Arabic and Sanskrit. Indian elite had made our people powerless because they had turned them into languages of discrimination, to deprive the common man of the power of knowledge. The transformation of the people began by transforming their dialects into literary languages. That process empowered the people because it democratized knowledge, making it available to everyone. Average Brahmin scholars memorized Sanskrit Scriptures, not for thought but for performing religious rituals. They did not allow Sanskrit to become the mother-tongue of their own children, because they refused to teach it to their wives, let alone to non-Brahmins. Likewise, Muslim masses spoke local dialects while their religious leaders memorized the Quran in Arabic. Muslims ruled much of India for seven centuries, but they did not make Arabic the people’s language of learning, of impartation of facts and thought. Two centuries before Carey reached Bengal, Mughal Emperors had made Persian their court language. Their mother-tongue was Chagatai, not Persian. They ruled Bengal but took no interest in developing Bengali. Nor did they popularize Arabic and Sanskrit. Persian was a great language, but they made it their court-language, partly to make it difficult for Arabic knowing Muslims to learn state-secrets. In 1765, the Mughals gave the administrative authority or Diwani over Bengal to the East India Company. Yet, until 1800, the British merchants and rulers took no interest in Bengali dialects spoken by the people they governed. The only educational institution that the British Company established was Calcutta Madarasa (1780-’81). It was created to teach Arabic, Persian and Islamic Law. Arts and science, literature or humanities had no place in the curricula. Ten years later, in 1791, the British Company, not Hindu temples or ashrams, established the Banaras Sanskrit College in the state of Varanasi. Two centuries later, in 1974, the government of India upgraded it to become Sampurnanand Sanskrit University. This religious and political indifference to India’s intellectual progress began to change when British evangelicals responded to Charles Grant’s appeal to Christians to assume the moral responsibility for the development of the people of India. Grant’s Observations on “The Asiatic Subjects of Great Britain” (1792) inspired an Evangelical Member of Parliament, William Wilberforce, to campaign for India’s education. Grant and Wilberforce argued that it is immoral for Britain to send only merchants and mercenaries to India. Britain must also send educators. At that time, “secular education” did not exist anywhere in the world. In Europe, Education was a ministry of the Church because the Bible said that God “wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). The idea that every child needed to be educated was the practical application of the New Testament’s teaching that every child of God needed to serve his heavenly Father as a priest and manage God’s kingdom on earth as a prince or king. No one can do God’s will on earth if he/she does not know God. For this reason, everyone needed to study God’s word. That required translating the scriptures into every child’s mother tongue. This theological outlook had started the process of transforming European dialects into modern literary languages such as German, English, French. The campaign for India’s education, initiated by Charles Grant and led by Wilberforce was understood in the light of the Bible’s theology of Language and Education. Everyone understood that to send educators meant to send missionaries. Their mission will be to serve God and people — not money. Enriching people’s dialects to become literary languages will be one of the foundation stones of India’s awakening. Wilberforce began the campaign for South Asia’s education in 1793. Twenty years later, in 1813, British Parliament approved a new Charter of the East India Company. It required the Company to spend Rs.100,000 per year for the education of the people of India. How should this money be used? British rulers decided to use that money to establish a Sanskrit college in Calcutta. This triggered the Language Controversy which was resolved by the Macaulay-Minute of 1835. Macaulay favored English as the language that ought to enrich the vernacular, including Bengali. That had been suggested by Charles Grant in 1792. Raja Ram Mohan Roy became its champion in 1823. RAM MOHAN ROY’S OPPOSITION TO SANSKRIT Raja Ram Mohan Roy taught Sanskrit to William Carey while learning English from Carey. That interaction so changed him that he became a vocal opponent of the British plan to establish Calcutta Sanskrit College. On 11 December 1823, Roy wrote to the British Prime Minister, William Pitt, that the decision to teach “Sangscrit system of education would be best calculated to keep this country in darkness.” Perpetuating Sanskrit education will be contrary to the spirit of the great movement that had required the Company to invest money to educate India. Roy was a Brahmin and a Sanskrit scholar. He opposed the Company hiring Pandits to teach Sanskrit. The British policy, he wrote, ought to be to “promote a more liberal and enlightened system of instruction, embracing, mathematics, natural philosophy, chemistry and anatomy, with other useful sciences…” Roy knew that the Pundits’ monopoly of Sanskrit had stunted and enslaved the Indian mind. Language is the God given means to open and enhance the mind. He had grasped the Bible’s idea that Language is God’s gift to humanity. It binds God’s children into a community of ideas and values. Language makes us different from animals that are herded together by instinct, fear and force. Language allows us to improve our community by thinking critically in order to seek truth and wisdom. This is necessary to steward the creation. Language should not be what pundits have made it — a means of uncritical memorization of mantras. Why did pundits reduced language


Vishal Mangalwadi on Conversion: India's election issue

CONVERSION: India’s #1 Election Issue

On December 26, 2004, a 100-foot-high tsunami killed over 230,000 people, many of them in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The tsunami was triggered by a 9.1-magnitude earthquake under the Indian Ocean. So many people died because, back then, India did not have an early warning system. Mighty tsunamis tend to travel under the water surface . . . until they hit the shore. On September 2, 2023, in Chennai, Mr. Udayanidhi Stalin, triggered a massive socio-religious-political earthquake. It has started a different tsunami. It will churn the electoral waters until the General Election’s results come out. Then its impact will be felt everywhere for a long time to come. Udayanidhi, a film-maker/actor turned Minister in Tamil Nadu, was delivering a carefully crafted written-speech at a ‘Sanatana Abolition Conference’ in Chennai. He, the son of the current Chief Minister M. K. Stalin and the grandson of a former Chief Minister, M. Karunanidhi, said, “Sanatan Dharma [i.e. Hinduism] is a principle that divides people in the name of caste and religion. Certain things like Malaria, Dengue and Corona need to be eradicated, not merely opposed. Likewise, Sanatana should also be eradicated.” How do you eradicate a religion? Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the architect of modern India’s Constitution (1950), echoed the missionary’s view that CONVERSION, that is, acceptance of Truth is the only way to eradicate false and harmful beliefs. English speakers may not realize that “low”-caste Hindi YouTubers are ecstatic about Udayanidhi’s statement. He has become a voice of the voiceless. In the 1980s, my former boss Kanshiram, the founder of the BSP (Bahujan Samaj Party), popularized the (missionary-Phule-Ambedkar) idea that education, organization and politics were important for uplifting the lower castes. However, CONVERSION, Ambedkar said was the only remedy for Hinduism’s victims — the “low-castes”. BSP’s top leadership no longer advocates “conversion.” That has frustrated second-tier lower-caste leaders. BSP’s compromise with the BJP has allowed Udayanidhi to become their national spokesman. His timing is perfect: (a) During the previous month (August ’23), Uttar Pradesh’s Chief Minister went out of his way to woo Backward Caste youth. Hundreds of thousands of them walk for weeks to carry river Ganga’s “holy” waters on their shoulders. En route they infuriate ordinary citizens in many rude ways. Instead of guiding and controlling them, Yogi Adityanath showered on them flower petals from his helicopter and ordered the state machinery to honor their “religious” enthusiasm. Backward Caste leaders realized that the Yogi was recruiting OBC youth to his private militia. They will serve his Fascist interests and persecute Muslims and Christians. This forced thoughtful lower caste leaders and YouTubers to launch a counter offensive against a mean-spirited misuse of religious sentiment. Yogi’s blatant abuse of religion has compelled North India’s Backward Caste leaders to target his religion itself. Whenever a corrupt and brutal political dictator uses religion as his principle selling strategy, his opponents are left with little choice but to undermine his main weapon – religion. Muslims are learning this lesson in Iran as tens of thousands are quitting Islam. (b)  BJP’s political opponent will have to respond to its abuse of religion because it plans to use the new Ram Mandir in Ayodhya for its electoral gain. It can respond with “Soft Hinduism” but that is a failed option. ‘Oppose Hinduism’ is an alternative  strategy being advocated by Udayanidhi. The support for this is gathering momentum. growing . . . In public, politicians such as Rahul Gandhi will (rightly) counter BJP’s appeal to religion with economic issues such as poverty, unemployment, corruption and inflation. Mr. Udayanidhi’s offensive against Sanatan Dharma is, in part, an attempt to pre-empt the BJP’s effort to make an inroad in Tamil Nadu through emerging Hindu leaders such as Mr. K. Annamalai. It is also an attempt to cover up his party’s failures, inefficiencies and corruption. Nevertheless, a tsunami remains a tsunami, whether you like or dislike it. Here are a few important points to consider: 1. True conversion is NOT an outward change of religion. It is an inner spiritual transformation. It makes a rebellious sinner God’s loving, obedient child. 2. Nevertheless, Conversion has social aspects. In Iran it means quitting Islam. In India, it includes quitting Hinduism to join another religious or non-religious group. The Dravidian movement that invited Udayanidhi to speak on Abolishing the Sanatan religion, began as a rationalistic/atheistic effort with Periyar E. V. Ramasami. However, Udayanidhi’s family and party (DMK) rejected Periyar’s Atheism in favor of Theism. Buddhism does not appeal to a people looking for god – any god, other than a Hindu god. This makes Christianity the most available alternative in Tamil Nadu. 3. In North India, including in Maharashtra, Dr. Ambedkar made Neo-Buddhism a viable alternative to Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. However, the political dynamics of the previous seven decades have made Ambedkar’s Buddhism a religion, primarily of the Scheduled Castes (Dalits/SCs). That makes Buddhism unappealing to the OBCs (Other Backward Castes) who are presumed to be approximately 52% of India. 4. North India’s most explosive social reality is “intellectual” – change of paradigm. For a century or so, upper caste leaders such as Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru and the lower caste opinion makers such as Ram Manohar Lohia looked at Indian society through Western academic lenses. They taught the OBC leaders such as Mulayam Singh and Lalu Yadav that the lower caste shudras were poor because of Capitalism. Current lower caste leaders no longer believe that paradigm. They understand that NOT Capitalism, but Hinduism made them “low” and “backward”. This makes Conversion necessary, along with discarding Nehru’s socialism and Modi’s Hindu capitalism. 5. How will Rahul Gandhi (or Arvind Kejriwal) respond to the tsunami triggered by Udhayanidhi? That, indeed, is an important question. Beginning with his great-grand father Nehru, grandmother Indira Gandhi, and father Rajiv Gandhi, Rahul’s party was controlled by the Brahmins. That is why the Congress ruled states enacted the first anti-conversion laws. That misguided “Soft Hinduism”  did not prevent conversions. It cost Congress Party the support of Muslims, Dalits and OBC because it began to be dismissed as Brahminism’s

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Vishal Mangalwadi on OPPENHEIMER, MODI & CAREY


Can One Man Trigger a Chain-reaction That Destroys (or Builds) a Civilization? “Now I have become death, the destroyer of the worlds.” -Sri Krishna in the Bhagwat Gita A Review of Blockbuster Movie “Oppenheimer” Director: Christopher Nolan Oppenheimer: Played by Cillian Murphy Film script based on the 2005 biography “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer” by Kai Bird Can one man, say, India’s Prime Minister Narender Modi, trigger a chain reaction that destroys “modern India” — a civilization still being built by William Carey’s successors? The question that haunted “the father of atom bomb,” theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, was: Will his atom bomb start a chain reaction that destroys the world? Nuclear enemies, Pakistan and India, could turn Oppenheimer’s nightmare into reality. This month two Hollywood Blockbusters were released in India on the same weekend — Barbie and Oppenheimer. Barbie made ₹27.5 crore during the opening week, while Oppenheimer earned more than twice that amount, ₹73.15 crore! Oppenheimer beat Barbie because it made many Hindus proud that their Scriptures had a huge impact on a scientist of his stature. Robert Oppenheimer, the Director of the Manhattan Project, was reasonably certain that Adolf Hitler’s antisemitism will make it difficult for Nazi Germany to build the bomb. Back then, the Fascists saw Quantum Mechanics as “Jewish science.” As a communist leaning intellectual, Oppenheimer and his critics agreed that the American bomb will provoke Communist Soviet Union to make its own bomb. Oppenheimer dreaded that hatred between America and Soviet Union will turn the Cold War into Hot. Atom Bomb could become the power that destroys the world. The Bhagwat Gita helped Oppenheimer resolve his inner conflict. In a sex scene with his lover Jean Tatlock, played by Florence Pugh, Oppenheimer reads aloud one of the Gita’s shlokas. Vishnu’s incarnation Sri Krishna encourages reluctant champion-warrior, Arjuna, to forget ethical questions and do his caste’s duty to fight and kill. Why? Because God himself is Death and Destruction. After Nagasaki and Hiroshima were bombed, Oppenheimer told the media that the Bhagwat Gita was influence #2. The first influence that soothed his conscience was the collection of Baudelaire’s poems, “The Flowers of Evil” (Les Fleurs du Mal). In Baudelaire’s Foreword, Satan, identified as an Alchemist, says, “If rape, poison, dagger and fire, have still not embroidered their pleasant designs on the banal canvas of our pitiable destinies, it’s because our soul, alas, is not bold enough!” To build his diabolical weapon of mass destruction, Oppenheimer indeed needed great boldness, just as Arjuna needed a bold philosophy to direct his morally reluctant, oscillating soul. Oppenheimer’s Bomb did trigger a chain reaction. Not just Russia but many other nations have developed nuclear weapons and mind-boggling delivery systems. Some of the nuclear powers are led by souls without inner moral struggles. They are bolder than Oppenheimer. One example is Sri Narendra Modi, India’s militant Prime Minister who has cultivated an adversary – Islam – which is second to none in a capacity to hate and destroy. World War 2 started because militarily, Fascist Germany was stronger than its rivals. Yet, Germany paid a heavy price to learn that arrogance is neither virtue, nor safe. Modi’s Hindutva Brigade believes that it is powerful enough to crush Islam. Hindu-Muslim conflict appears to be a battle between an arrogant Goliath and a shepherd-boy, David. In such unequal conflicts, “Who is better-armed” is irrelevant. The relevant question is: who has the heart to strike first. Can a man trigger a chain-reaction that destroys a civilization? Sri Krishna says, YES … and Modiji is out to prove that he has the inner resolve to destroy modern pluralistic, tolerant India in order to build a Hindu Rashtra. The good news is that an individual can also trigger a movement that BUILDS a civilization. That is the history, Ruth and I have told in our book The Father of Modern India: William Carey. Carey began the movement that built modern South Asia. Now a diabolic spirit of hate is seeking to destroy it. (August 14 is Pakistan’s Independence Day; Aug 15 is India’s Independence Day; Aug 17 is William Carey’s birthdate) Please get your copy of “The Father of Modern India: William Carey” in the USA from and in India from -Vishal & Ruth Mangalwadi


Vishal Mangalwadi on William Carey

The Father of Modern India: WILLIAM CAREY

No nation called “India” or “Bharat” existed when William Carey landed in Bengal in 1793. The idea of “India” fascinated European explorers such as Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama because the Latin Bible said that “India” was Persia’s eastern-most province when Esther was the queen. That is, around 482 BC. Persians and Greeks pronounced river Sindhu (now in Pakistan), as “Hindu” or “Indu.” Persians named the area around Sindhu, “Hindustan”. They branded the religious practices of the natives as “Hindu.” Hindus had no name for Hinduism, since Tantra was the state-religion in most “Hindu” states. That is why, today, many Hindus prefer to brand themselves as “Sanatani”, which is a Buddhist term. Prior to the 19th century, each “people group” (extended family, caste, sub-caste, tribe or race) in India worshipped and feared its own deities and demons. They communicated in dialects that had no literature or Scripture. Aryans came to India with a fairly well-developed language, Sanskrit. But they did not develop a script for Sanskrit. They wanted Brahmin priests to memorize the “Sacred” sounds (Mantras). Writing down sacred mantras carried the risk of making public their secret source of power. The masses needed to be kept ignorant, so that they revere the priests’ access to gods. Famous Ashoka Pillars, for example, were carved between 268 to 232 BC. Yet, none of them had a single Sanskrit inscription. The priests’s wisdom was their monopoly, not to be shared with anyone, except devoted disciples. After William Carey, his contemporaries and followers began India’s intellectual renaissance… after European Indologists started translating Hindu scriptures, some Brahmins decided to adopt a pre-existing script, Devanagari, to write down Sanskrit scriptures. It should not surprise anyone that no Brahminical Scripture described India’s geography. For the Hindu worldview looked upon the external world as Maya — illusory, deceptive.  The Bible, in contrast, begins by describing Eden’s geography. Nobel Laureate, Rabindranath Tagore was the first Indian poet to describe pre-partition India’s geography as “Punjab, Sindh, Gujarat, Maratha, Dravid, Utkal, Banga, Vindhya, Himachal, Yamuna Ganga . . .” His song, “Jan, Gan, Man” (1911) was adopted as our national anthem, even though it excluded Jammu and Kashmir from his geography of “India”. Tagore’s geography of India came not from the Hindu tradition but from the Postal Act of 1899, enacted by the British Parliament. The Act left out Kashmir because the British had won it from a Sikh ruler and sold it to a Hindu. It was not a part of the India that the British ruled. In short, the Bible-informed Roman Catholic explorers brought to South Asia the geographic concept of India. William Carey’s paper “The Friend of India” popularized the idea of a geo-political nation-state called India. Carey and his colleagues in Calcutta’s Fort William College gave us the vision to build a great nation — just, educated, non-fatalistic and prosperous. For example, Carey, began transforming a moon-worshipping fatalistic culture of Astrology into a moon-studying culture of Astronomy that seeks to establish human dominion over nature and demons. William Carey became the father of modern India because he launched India into the trajectory of becoming a great nation. How did he do that? To build India as a modern nation, William Carey injected the Bible into our soul — in Indian languages, literature, education, worldview, law, civil services, family and governance. To give another example, it was the Bible that taught reformers such as Keshab Chandra Sen that a Hindu should have only one wife because God created only one Eve for Adam. Friends, we need your help to promote this book, including in all South Asian languages. All you need to do is to order copies: NOTE: This is a new, enlarged edition of our earlier book on Carey. This edition is being translated into Telugu, Tamil, Bengali, Malayalam and Hindi. Your support will help us start the translation also into Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi and other South Asian languages

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Vishal Mangalwadi: Movie review - Starwars

The Resurrection Of Skywalker: Star Wars – A Worldview Review

“The Rise of Skywalker” is the 9th and final episode in George Lucas’ Star Wars saga that began in 1977. Directed by J. J. Abrams, the film was released for Christmas 2019. However, Good Friday/Easter is a better time to reflect on its philosophy of the Cross and Resurrection. In the previous episode (8th), “The Last Jedi”, Luke Skywalker chooses to sacrifice himself. His “death” saves the remnant of the “Resistance.” The tiny band becomes the spark that ignites the fire which burns down the Darkside of the Force. Luke predicts that he will not be the last Jedi. In episode 9, Skywalker rises again. This time as a female Jedi — Rey (?). I liked the female Savior. She is different from other Hollywood Superwomen (e.g. as in the last “Terminator”). Rey’s super powers do not obliterate her femininity. Her power is awesome because the Force is with her. Yet, she loves as a woman who brings a healing touch. She never loses the gift of crying. Her tears flow out of compassion not helplessness, just as the original Messiah’s. Rey was an orphaned scavenger who did not even know her surname. Her parents had been snatched before her eyes. Yet, Rey did not seek power to take revenge. She sought her identity, her destiny, her place in the universe. Her world was too heartless, ruthless and mean to care for orphans. She had to learn to look after herself. She also cared for the oppressed. Although she was self-sufficient and did not need parents to take care of her, she wanted her family so that she might know who she was. During the final confrontation between Light and Darkness, Palpatine, the Dark Emperor (Satan) revealed to her that she was his granddaughter. His throne was her’s. She could become what she was born to be. All she needed was to hate him enough to kill him. She had the weapon — the lightsaber. She needed to let her anger and hatred make the decision. By killing him, she would receive the spirits of all the dead Siths (powerful demonic spirits) that now lived in the Emperor. Satan himself would live in her and Rey would become the Galaxy’s Ruler — the Empress. Rey manages to retain her “Balance.” Anger, hatred and ambition were not able to rule her. She had leaned to meditate and keep the “Balance.” Getting mad at opponents was the Emperor’s nature. He got mad at Rey for not even trying to kill him. Enraged, he directed his dark mystical energies at her. No previous Jedi, neither Luke nor Yoda, had withstood the power of the Darkside of the Force. How would Rey protect herself? In self-defence Rey crosses two lightsabers. The “Cross” reflects Satan’s murderous energy back to him. His own evil energy ends his life (at least for now). For Rey the Cross meant confronting, not escaping, evil. She sought no rapture for her mission was to be an overcomer. The Emperor had told her that he had been killed “several times” before. What does that mean? Watch James Cameron’s “Terminator” saga. Evil keeps resurrecting, for Yin/Yang, Light/Dark, Good/Evil, male/female are two sides of the same Force. They co-exist as ONE. So, who is Rey? The film ends with Rey choosing her own identity. That is exactly what anti-philosophers such as Sartre, Camus, and Heidegger would have advised her to do. When a Postmodern man chooses to be a woman, he defines who he is or wants to be. No one has a given identity. For, there is no God who made you male or female. You have no permanent individual self or soul. Individuality is an illusion. A baby is not a person until she is given a name, an identity, dignity and rights by her family. The Postmodern/Buddhist belief is that your ‘self’ is a non-existent (Anatman) as a metaphysical entity. It is an artificial or illusory construct. For all of us are one with the Force. Meditation is the path of becoming one with everything. The Force is everything. Rey knows that genetically she is a Palpatine. But there is no fundamental metaphysical distinction between you and I, Palpatine and Skywalker, between the Light and the Dark sides of the Force. The film closes with her declaration: I am “Rey Skywalker.” She sees the spirits of Luke, the Jedi Warrior, and his twin sister, Princess Leia, the Commander of the Resistance. Rey chooses to receive their spirits or the Lightside of the Force. She becomes their heir. Skywalker rises again. Luke and Leia were Skywalker siblings born to the Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker. But they were raised by the Jedi. The Emperor offered to teach Anakin the secret of immortality that only the Sith teach. The desire to find immortality for his wife pregnant with Luke and Leila seduced Anakin to join the Darkside as its Commander. The Jedi Masters had perceived that Anakin was the “chosen one.” His destiny was to rid the galaxy of Sith. He joined the Dark-side because he lost his balance. His son Luke saved him by refusing to kill his father, the dark lord. Eventually, Darth Vader did fulfil the prophecy about him. Although mortally wounded, he “killed” the Emperor to save his son Luke. [In the transcendent realm of mystery, the unknown non-normal power of immortality raised the Emperor back to life. He went into hiding and assembled the team which built the ultimate weapon-system of the Kingdom of Death. The system had the power to destroy entire planets (the allusion — we are destroying the planet today by causing Climate Change!). That is why the Resistance was out to destroy the Emperor and the ultimate weapon-system of The Final Order.] Worldview Background: Postmodern intelligentsia knows that philosophy has failed. The Enlightenment’s ‘Age of Reason’ is dead. It cannot tell you who you are. Neither human logic nor scientific observation (Empirical experience) can know the Truth. Therefore, our new (pagan) age presupposes that humanity has NO way of

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