Revelation Movement


Vishal Mangalwadi on Truthpedia - a new encyclopedia


The TRUTH baptized His body with the Spirit of Truth (John 14: 16; 15:26; 16: 12). Therefore, the Reformers risked their lives to bring Europe’s confused and compromised church back under the Truth’s authority. Builders of the modern world including John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), urged Christians to gather all knowledge in one encyclopedia. European Church could not do that because the Thirty-Years War (1618-48) had left Protestants and Roman Catholics too weak to take up that challenge. The French Enlightenment seized the opportunity and began misleading the modern age. The American Church had the ability to build a Wisdompedia during the 19th-20th centuries. Sadly, starting in 1805,  America’s Trinitarian Christianity began loosing its universities such as Harvard to Deism and Unitarianism. By the 1880s, at the height of its power, American evangelicalism began abandoning Truth and the universities, in favor of Anti-Intellectualism, Bible Institutes and a spirit of irrationality. Now, that Christianity’s centre of gravity is shifting southward to Africa, Asia and South America, it is time for the global body of Christ to come together to fill the earth with the Spirit of Wisdom as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11: 1-9). The Third Education Revolution has set up a pilot group to construct (a) Technology Platform needed for a new Truth-based Encyclopedia and (b) mobilize International Forum For Professors and Scholars (IFPS) to research all truth, gather it on one platform and disseminate it globally. You are cordially invited to contribute your thoughts on the subject on the Encyclopedia’s landing page: Vishal Mangalwadi


Vishal Mangalwadi on William Carey

The Father of Modern India: WILLIAM CAREY

No nation called “India” or “Bharat” existed when William Carey landed in Bengal in 1793. The idea of “India” fascinated European explorers such as Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama because the Latin Bible said that “India” was Persia’s eastern-most province when Esther was the queen. That is, around 482 BC. Persians and Greeks pronounced river Sindhu (now in Pakistan), as “Hindu” or “Indu.” Persians named the area around Sindhu, “Hindustan”. They branded the religious practices of the natives as “Hindu.” Hindus had no name for Hinduism, since Tantra was the state-religion in most “Hindu” states. That is why, today, many Hindus prefer to brand themselves as “Sanatani”, which is a Buddhist term. Prior to the 19th century, each “people group” (extended family, caste, sub-caste, tribe or race) in India worshipped and feared its own deities and demons. They communicated in dialects that had no literature or Scripture. Aryans came to India with a fairly well-developed language, Sanskrit. But they did not develop a script for Sanskrit. They wanted Brahmin priests to memorize the “Sacred” sounds (Mantras). Writing down sacred mantras carried the risk of making public their secret source of power. The masses needed to be kept ignorant, so that they revere the priests’ access to gods. Famous Ashoka Pillars, for example, were carved between 268 to 232 BC. Yet, none of them had a single Sanskrit inscription. The priests’s wisdom was their monopoly, not to be shared with anyone, except devoted disciples. After William Carey, his contemporaries and followers began India’s intellectual renaissance… after European Indologists started translating Hindu scriptures, some Brahmins decided to adopt a pre-existing script, Devanagari, to write down Sanskrit scriptures. It should not surprise anyone that no Brahminical Scripture described India’s geography. For the Hindu worldview looked upon the external world as Maya — illusory, deceptive.  The Bible, in contrast, begins by describing Eden’s geography. Nobel Laureate, Rabindranath Tagore was the first Indian poet to describe pre-partition India’s geography as “Punjab, Sindh, Gujarat, Maratha, Dravid, Utkal, Banga, Vindhya, Himachal, Yamuna Ganga . . .” His song, “Jan, Gan, Man” (1911) was adopted as our national anthem, even though it excluded Jammu and Kashmir from his geography of “India”. Tagore’s geography of India came not from the Hindu tradition but from the Postal Act of 1899, enacted by the British Parliament. The Act left out Kashmir because the British had won it from a Sikh ruler and sold it to a Hindu. It was not a part of the India that the British ruled. In short, the Bible-informed Roman Catholic explorers brought to South Asia the geographic concept of India. William Carey’s paper “The Friend of India” popularized the idea of a geo-political nation-state called India. Carey and his colleagues in Calcutta’s Fort William College gave us the vision to build a great nation — just, educated, non-fatalistic and prosperous. For example, Carey, began transforming a moon-worshipping fatalistic culture of Astrology into a moon-studying culture of Astronomy that seeks to establish human dominion over nature and demons. William Carey became the father of modern India because he launched India into the trajectory of becoming a great nation. How did he do that? To build India as a modern nation, William Carey injected the Bible into our soul — in Indian languages, literature, education, worldview, law, civil services, family and governance. To give another example, it was the Bible that taught reformers such as Keshab Chandra Sen that a Hindu should have only one wife because God created only one Eve for Adam. Friends, we need your help to promote this book, including in all South Asian languages. All you need to do is to order copies: NOTE: This is a new, enlarged edition of our earlier book on Carey. This edition is being translated into Telugu, Tamil, Bengali, Malayalam and Hindi. Your support will help us start the translation also into Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi and other South Asian languages

The Father of Modern India: WILLIAM CAREY Read More »


Dear Friends,Ruth and I will be in British Parliament on October 23 to present to the Members of Parliament the case for the Bible as “The Book that Made Your World.” This is fitting since the Bible is the greatest gift that the British gave to India.It is also a wonderful way to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation that gave us Tyndale’s English New Testament and transformed medieval nations into modern Great Britain.Thanks to men such as William Carey, Henry Martin, and Claudius Buchanan, the Bible translators turned Indian vernaculars into literary languages. With that linguistic revolution came printing, publishing, press, literature, journalism, modern education, intellectual and social awakening.Majority of the Bible translations happened in Calcutta, after 1800, in the Fort William College. Three days a week Carey helped train civil servants in that college. The Bible became the book that transformed the corrupt administration of the British East India Company into the honest “steel frame” of clean governance.The Bible taught us that India should not be divided into petty, quarrelling kingdoms such as Israel and Judah; nor united under empires such as Mogul, Maratha, Sikh or British. God desired India to be a nation, a free nation, and a great nation, ruled not by sinful men, but by laws reflecting divine justice and righteousness.It was through the Bible that we learnt that God did not want us make up our own gods or worship creation — natural or demonic. He commands us to seek Truth and worship God in spirit and in truth.The Bible brought to India that idea of human equality that is unleashing the potential of every individual. It taught us that everyone — male and female — is created with the dignity of God’s likeness. The Bible revealed to us a secret of building great nations: strong families where a man has only one wife, and fathers his children like our Father in heaven.Thanks to hardworking, Bible-driven visionaries such as William Carey, Sam Higginbottom, and Norman Borlaug, India — a land of famines — is now a land flowing with milk and honey. It is the world’s largest producer of milk and exports food and fruit.Independent India acknowledged its profound intellectual, moral, social and political debt to Great Britain when it chose to govern itself not through Rajas and Maharajas, Sultans and Badshahs, but with Westminster style Parliament.Why did British Parliament became a model for our nation?Britain’s parliamentary governance did not come from Greek democratic states such as Athens. Greek city-state did not have parliaments. The British system developed because the Bible taught that God’s kingdom is managed by Elders (Revelation 4:4 etc.).Why do citizens elect Britain’s rulers? Great Britain adopted “Popular Sovereignty” as its model because Moses commanded the liberated slaves to choose their own leaders (Deuteronomy 1: 9-18). Why does the Prime Minister have greater power than the Monarch? India’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, taught us Britain’s secret. He was India’s ‘First Servant’ he said, because that is what the title “Prime Minister” literally meant. This radical political idea began when the King of kings and the Lord of lords washed the feet of his disciples. He taught them that rulers lord it over their people in cultures that do not know God. He, the Messiah, had come to inaugurate a new kingdom in which rulers will become servants: For he came not to be served but to serve and to give his life for salvation of many.British Parliament became a model for India because Christian Members of Parliament, such as William Wilberforce, made it the conscience of the nation. When he became an MP, the Parliament was a gentlemen’s club. It served the interest of the club members. MPs resisted abolishing slave trade for two decades because they were the beneficiaries of that lucrative, reprehensible, trade.British Parliament became a model for many nations because the Bible transformed it. It will be my honor to reintroduce to some of the current MPs, “The Book That Made Your World.”This important assignment needs your prayers . . . and your help.The organizers would like to give a copy of the book to MPs along with the formal invitation.Thank you,Vishal MangalwadiWe need £3,500 for the books. Please consider donating.


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